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Hi there. It's me your humble author and creator of Morgan Comics, Paul Smith!


Welcome to the Morganverse, a universe dedicated to the "real" Morgan. Awaiting you on the Full Comics page are 48 stories across seven storylines based on the real life workdays and antics of, yep you guessed it, the "real" Morgan. A driver for the thriving Film and Television Industry since the age of 19. I combine elements from art and real objects to bring the stories to life. No matter what storyline or timeline in the Morganverse, it's always set to the modern day backdrop of the fabulous city of Van Nuys, CA(it's a total shithole.) So have fun and please enjoy the stories as much as I do making them, they are always free to read. All copyrighted material and characters belong to their respective owners, but the original stories and characters belong to the Morganverse.

Coming soon....

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